Our job is to make your job better...
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Our products and services are tailored to the customer needs, from small and medium to large, from private to public
Business Plans & Feasibility Studies
Business Valuation - Company Valuation
Business Process Reengineering - BPR
Entrepreneurship Education - Business Education
European Project Management
Inhouse projects implementation services
About us
PBIRO Business Consulting Ltd. is a consultant companyAbout specialized in the field of Business and Investment Consulting, Entrepreneurship Education - Business Education and European Project Management. We provide knowledge and long-time experience accompanied with highest business standards.
Our references
All our employees have a university degree and professional capacity and additional training for the services we provide. Long professional cooperation produced the wide team of external collaborators from the business and scientific-research sectors, and such a compound is a development power and quality potential for our customers.
We have prepared and implemented more than 400 enterprise and public investment projects. In addition, we have repaired over 30 business crisis and bankruptcy problems for businesses in difficulties.
We held over 120 educational cycles of trainings which were successfully attended by over 1,500 participants.
EU projects
We have prepared and implemented more than 50 business and governmental investment projects financed by the EU and national support.
We have produced over 20 professional studies, reports and brochures focused on analysis and supporting entrepreneurial activities at national and regional level.